Showing posts with label daintree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daintree. Show all posts

Monday, 3 November 2014


This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

In the world of open source software a lot of emphasis must be placed on honesty and trust. You have to be able to trust that when you submit code to the administrator of a project that the code is released under the correct license and that is correctly accredited to you. This accreditation is not a question of ego but of common decency and of honesty.

Whenever code gets added to KwaMoja I go to great lengths to attribute the code to the correct author as can be seen here

All the work we do in KwaMoja is made available to the webERP project, however recently the project admin +Phil Daintree has been consistently attributing the work to himself rather than to the actual author.

For instance +Fahad Hatib did some considerable work to remove the $db variable throughout the code base, and I personally made that available to +Phil Daintree.

This work was committed to webERP here. Instead of correctly attributing that work to +Fahad Hatib Phil decided to claim the credit for this work to himself:

Unfortunately this seems to be typical of the recent dishonest behaviour of the leadership of the webERP project.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Bizarre behaviour of LinkedIn and other social media thoughts.

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree  will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

I recently received an email from LinkedIn that told me that user +Phil Daintree had complained that I was using a logo supporting  the work I do in Africa instead of a photo of a person and that they had removed that logo.

Now this got me thinking. Not just about how +Phil Daintree  ought to find more constructive uses for his time, but also about the fact that LinkedIn have no idea of what I actually look like, so would have no way of knowing whether the picture I put on was me, or a picture of any of you who are reading this. All of the information about me on my profile is accurate and there was never any prospect of anybody accidentally believing tricked into believing that logo was actually a picture of my face!

So LinkedIn are happy for me to use a photo of a random person, but not happy for me to use a logo of an open source project supporting Africa. Come on LinkedIn that is a nonsense.

Social media should be about empowering me to share information about me that I want to share.

People should also be aware that +Phil Daintree has written a blog pretending to be me, and another blog pretending to be on behalf of the KwaMoja project. People should be aware of this as it is typical of the dishonest way that +Phil Daintree operates. Too cowardly to write under his own name.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Phil Daintree and

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Ever since +Phil Daintree  fell out with me over keeping a history of purchase orders on the system I have grown used to the torrent of lies and abuse he has thrown at me, in an attempt to stop me developing webERP and KwaMoja. I have a thick skin, and anybody who knows me can see through his lies easily enough, so it hasn't unduly bothered me. He is after all well known for his lies and his bullying behaviour.

However his constant attacks on my African colleagues and our African projects do annoy me. His hijacking of the domain name in order to push his personal vendetta is typical of him. I was not even involved in the project when he purchased the domain. The full details of this pathetic saga can be read in a post by Martha here.

He has told my African colleagues on the project he does not believe they are real Africans as the work is too good for them to have done it. I have offered Phil their phone numbers so he can tell them in person that they don't exist, but curiously enough he doesn't want to do this!

Persuading African friends to work on open source projects has been a struggle, as I have documented elsewhere. When they do help on open source they shouldn't have to face attacks from people such as +Phil Daintree 

When he first tried to ban me from the webERP project I set up a separate webERP repository so that I could continue to make my code available to others as the license requires. +Phil Daintree launched numerous public attacks on me for this, and said I should call my branch something else. When I then started committing code to the KwaMoja repository he launched numerous public attacks on me for donating code to a "rival project". There is no such thing as rival projects in the open source world, all projects can take code from each other. Open source is about collaboration not rivalry. So Phil is basically going to attack me whatever I do. That is fine as I have said, but I would ask him to leave off our African projects and my African colleagues.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Mimi kumshtaki

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

On the odd occasion I manage to beat the censor and manage to give my advice to people on the webERP forums and mailing lists I find that +Phil Daintree removes the advice I give. As can be seen here:

and many other places on that forum, my advice that I freely give just gets removed. I wasn't able to understand this until recently, when I got informed by several people that what happens is that once they have posted an issue to the mailing lists or forums +Phil Daintree writes privately to them saying he will give them the solution in return for money. This explains why he doesn't want me helping them for free as it undermines his business. Now I have no problem with people earning money out of the work I have done on webERP but if I give my advice for free on a forum supposedly meant for a free exchange of advice I think it should at lest be left there. I will leave it up to the readers to judge on the honesty and morality of a person who would act like this.

+Phil Daintree has taken to publishing private emails between us without first seeking my consent. Here and in one of his comments here for instance. Now there is nothing in t6hese emails that is either relevant or that I would not want published (indeed the first is an example of his stupidity in banning me from the forums) but it is generally accepted both in email and written correspondence that you don't publish private correspondence without the agreement of all parties. I will leave it up to the readers to judge on the honesty and morality of a person who would act like this.

+Phil Daintree has said that I was never banned on the forums. However this screenshot from the forum shows that he is telling yet another untruth:
As can be seen it is a lie that I have not ever been banned from the forum. I will leave it up to the readers to judge on the honesty and morality of a person who would act like this.

+Phil Daintree has said that he never refused to allow me to post my thoughts to the mailing list when a long term contributor to webERP died. Here is a screenshot:
Nearly 6 months on it has still not been accepted my the mailing list administrator (+Phil Daintree). As can be seen it is a lie that he has never stopped me sending my thoughts on Mo's death. I will leave it up to the readers to judge on the honesty and morality of a person who would act like this

The comments to this post include serious allegations against me and so I have forwarded details of this serious allegation against me to Windsor Engineering Group Limited (the employer of +Phil Daintree  ), the New Zealand online police department, the ACCA, and to my solicitors. - Tim

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Banned for trying to help African hospitals improve services

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Earlier today I politely asked +Phil Daintree if I could mention Project Mtuha on the webERP forum and mailing list. The KwaMoja code is descended from webERP and so there is a great deal of webERP code in Project Mtuha. I asked him if he could come up with a form of words that was acceptable and I would use that  wording. Unfortunately not only did he say no, he has again banned me from helping webERP users on the forums and mailing lists, in order to stop me from mentioning our integrating our open source hospital for Africa.

The exact text of my email to him was :

"Subject: Project Mtuha


I would like to publicise this project on webERP. I realise you will
find a lot of things sensitive about it, so I am asking if you have
any ideas how this can be done to our mutual satisfaction?


I think it is clear that I was trying to be conciliatory, and at no point did I threaten to publicise the hospital system without the permission of +Phil Daintree  .

It is most disappointing that he should try to punish the webERP user base in this way.

It is also very strange as +Phil Daintree frequently uses the forums and mailing lists to promote his own commercial proprietary projects, while denying me the chance to put forward our open sourced free solution for African hospitals.

I thought we had moved past such silly behaviour when we spoke recently on the phone, but it seems Phil was not telling the truth. This is not the first time he has made such an agreement verbally and then reneged on it a short time later. It seems any agreement with him cannot be trusted!

It is typical of the way that +Phil Daintree works to make vague allegations and then when pressed for details he changes the subject. His tactics are to throw mud around and hope that some of it sticks. He has been proven again and again to be a liar and to be untrustworthy.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

How the webERP community takes second place to Phil's vendetta

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree  will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Back at the end of July a user posted a bug report on the webERP forums ( As +Phil Daintree has made it so I am not allowed to help people on the forum I sent the user the fix privately and sent it on to +Phil Daintree

I also posted the fix to the nabble forum in order that the maximum number of users got the benefit of the fix.

Unfortunately +Phil Daintree refused to commit my bug fix, being happier that the community should use buggy software than recognise that I had fixed the bug. My post to the nabble forum was also taken down by +Phil Daintree  at the same time as the post about how many bytes a particular JavaScript function used.

The same user has now upgraded and found that 4.11 has over written the fix given to him (

Who suffers in this scenario? Not me, I have the fix. Not +Phil Daintree, or +Phil Daintree's paying customers, they too are given the fix. No the people he makes suffer are the webERP community who are denied the bug fixes I am supplying.

The project is being run to help +Phil Daintree in his vendetta against me rather than for the benefit of the community.

Come on +Phil Daintree step aside and let the community run this project!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

The "illegal characters" debate

This page is written in response to the lies tha +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies..

In response to this blog post of mine, +Phil Daintree has posted this to the mailing list. I tried to post a reply to the mailing list, but it was rejected, so I publish it here in the hope it is useful to the debate:


It seems to me that in your attempts to control what characters the user can use you have lost sight of why you are trying to do it. The point of an ERP is to help the user do what is best for their business rather than to tell them what you think is best for their business.

For instance you have recently put a check on what characters can be used in the users company name. Why should it be up to you to decide how a user should spell their company name? What you should be doing is trying these characters in the company name, and then looking at all the places in the code where that field is used, and seeing if these characters cause a problem. I suspect they don't cause any issues, but if they do you should be trying to resolve those issues, not just banning the characters.

Likewise with item codes. The code 3.5K/V-5"x3" would be a perfectly legitimate code for a user to want to use, but would fail the new illegal character tests on several grounds. Yes a user could work around this problem, but why should they when most other ERP packages will allow it?

It seems to me that this desire of yours to control everyone and everything is pulling webERP down. Let us free the users up to do what is best for them, instead of all the time telling them what you think is best for them.


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The importance of free and open discussion in projects

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

+Phil Daintree has frequently said on webERP that when he gives his opinion on a subject then nobody is allowed to contradict his opinion and no more discussion on the subject should happen. People who ignore this and express different opinions on any subject find themselves banned from any future discussions.

This is fine as long as the decision that +Phil Daintree has come up with is correct, and that no better solution can ever exist. However when the decision is wrong then the repercussions can be very damaging.

For instance recently +Phil Daintree decided to use regular expressions to filter input into forms. This is a good idea in theory, but needs careful thought and planning, as the implications for non English characters are huge. As Phil had announced this decision as his, then no discussion was allowed.

We now have a webERP system (versions 4.11 and 4.11.1) which is totally unusable to anybody not using the standard 26 English alphabet characters. Not only this, but many of the other bugs already found in 4.11.1 and many of the others that await discovery could have been avoided by allowing free and open discussions.

This is a mistake that we intend to avoid in +KwaMoja. Anybody is allowed to contribute anything to any discussion. Even arguments are good as they force both sides to think through their ideas carefully.

"The only people who are afraid to argue are those who know themselves to be wrong".

Monday, 29 July 2013

Is it that Phil lies, or he just cannot count past one?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Recently a long term webERP user and advocate wrote to +Phil Daintree saying he should stand down as admin of the project because the way he is running the project is destroying it.

In his reply to that user he says "I have only had to exclude one person".

Not so Phil, I have an email from you where you state that you "excluded" Steve Kaill, one of the earlier webERP developers, as can be seen from the change log, and a long term helper on the mailing list as a search of the archives can demonstrate.

I have an email from Phil where he tells me that he "excluded" Danie Brink. Another one of the early developers of webERP who he decided to force out of the project. Again a search of both the change logs and the mailing list archives will show the amount of his contribution. Amusingly given Phil's recent behaviour one of his complaints against Danie was that Phil claimed he had written some addons to webERP that he had not given back.

I also have three other emails with details of people Phil has "excluded" from the project, who are prepared to be named if he disputes this fact.

Interestingly enough one of the complaints about Phil that "forced" him to exclude these people is his claim to own the copyright of all the code.

So there you have it. Phil added these up and came to the total of one.

So is it that Phil can only count as far as one, or is this yet another of his lies to add to the long history of lies that he has told this project?

Saturday, 27 July 2013

When censorsip goes mad

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

In a recent discussion on the webERP mailing list +Phil Daintree was writing about the new confirm boxes I did for +KwaMoja . This is the email he wrote:
Tim has also made some improvements to the confirm boxes but probably
unnecessary really, especially since it adds significantly to the size
of the file. 
 I then wrote back:
It only adds 996 bytes to the file, and this could be shortened further with the use of smaller variable names. To my mind they give a more consistent and professional feel across all browsers.
Phil refused to allow this email on the mailing list (for proof of this see previous blog entries), but I posted it to the nabble forums anyway as I thought it might be interesting to people. I then went away and played with this JavaScript a bit more, and managed to reduce the size of this function a bit more, so I posted the following:
Just for interest I reduced this to 921 bytes (0.899Kb) by using shorter variable names.
I tried this to the mailing list, but as usual it was rejected, so I posted it to the nabble forums. To my surprise it got deleted from there. I re-posted it and it got deleted from there again. It has now been deleted seven times by +Phil Daintree or one of his cohorts.

Now can anybody work out why a short post about reducing the size of a JavaScript function to 922 bytes should be considered so offensive that the readers of the nabble forums and the mailing lists need to be protected from reading it?
The only thing that I can imagine is that a recurring theme in his hate pages about me, is how much better a programmer he is than me, and maybe he thinks this email doesn't help that claim. I can't think of another reason.

Philippians 4:8

Amendment 3/1/2014:  I have since been informed  by +Exson Qu and +Phil Daintree that the reasons for deleting the above postings was that commenting on the length of a JavaScript function constituted a personal attack on +Phil Daintree. I have asked for clarification from either +Exson Qu or +Phil Daintree as to why this was, but have received no reply. My best guess is that +Phil Daintree had already said that including the function "adds significantly to the size of the file", and so my pointing out that it was actually quite small was contradicting him and so constituted a personal attack. Personally I think it constitutes valid technical discussion but I include it here as I have always said I am happy to put both sides of the discussion forward and allow readers to make their own minds up.


Thursday, 25 July 2013

Phil's morals reach new low

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

It appears that +Phil Daintree has nothing better to do with his time and money than to spend it delving into my private affairs in a desperate attempt to find an example of somewhere I had said something untrue.

This week he sent an email to the webERP mailing list that was faked to appear to come from my email address. This email made some claims about me that were completely untrue. I sent three emails to the list that proved that the accusations were false. Like all my emails to the lists they were rejected. If there is anybody out there who still doesn't believe that my emails are rejected, here is the full rejection including the headers:

Delivered-To: Received: by with SMTP id qw8csp104466bkb; Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:40:56 -0700 (PDT) X-Received: by with SMTP id z6mr31561268obl.82.1374698455868; Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:40:55 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by with ESMTPS id fg9si22656181obc.146.2013. for <> (version=TLSv1 cipher=RC4-SHA bits=128/128); Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:40:55 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of web-erp-developers-bounces@lists.MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Subject: Request to mailing list Web-erp-developers rejected From: To: Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:40:51 +0000 Precedence: bulk X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.9 List-Id: webERP Developers <> X-List-Administrivia: yes Errors-To: Your request to the Web-erp-developers mailing list Posting of your message titled "Re: [WebERP-developers] Testing Tims email" has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the following reason for rejecting your request: "No reason given" Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator at: 

Oh, and just in case there is anybody out there who still believe in Phil's lie about me only being moderated on te forums, here is your proof:

Having failed to get my refutation on the mailing list I tried sending them to the nabble forum. Phil then removed my postings to that forum as well. So he is happy to post lies about me to the mailing lists, but removes my refutations. I have known Phil a long time, and suffered greatly from his hate campaign against me, but even I was surprised by just how low he has now sunk.

This isn't new, I am not the first to suffer in this way. Phil forced out many of the earlier developers without whom webERP would never have existed. People such as +Steve Kaill and Danie Brink who did so much of the early work (if you don't believe me just Google their names along with webERP, or simply check out the change log distributed with webERP) were forced out of the project back in 2007.

If this is the way that +Phil Daintree keeps on treating developers then the project will die, new developers wont want to be treated liked this. 

The Lord will judge Phil for his lies and his deceit, but I am sure that the webERP community will judge him for the harm he is doing to our project.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Despicable act

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree  will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

On July 11th we learned that a long standing webERP contributor had died. I had worked a lot with this gentleman, both when I was running the webERP project, and after Phil Daintree's takeover, so I was very saddened to hear this news.

I asked Phil in a private email whether he would allow me to post a small tribute to the webERP developers list. He said "write to the list using your address if you would like to" so I did this. As with all my emails to the list this got immediately rejected.

I then wrote my mail to the nabble forum in this post. As can be seen the administrator of the mailing list has still not allowed this post through either.

I think that trying to use the death of a contributor to score points off me in his pathetic vendetta is truly a despicable act.

Amendment  25th July 2013

I am happy to say that +Exson Qu has been kind enough to send my message to the webERP mailing list. My thanks go to Exson for risking incurring one of +Phil Daintrees hate vendettas to do this for me.

Friday, 19 July 2013

When egos get in the way of managing the project

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

This post to the webERP mailing list shows the sad state affairs that Phil has allowed the management of the webERP project to sink to.

He is trying to copy my code because he wont allow me to directly commit myself, all because I I inserted a link to this blog in my signature on the forum. The fact that he wants my code in webERP is great, and fully within the spirit in which I contribute it to the GPL.

However his ego wont allow him to ask me for help as he doesn't understand how the code works. I would be more than happy to help if he asks.

The GPL states that he should leave the copyright intact, however he claims the ownership of the copyright to the code that he is copying.

In fact he goes further and doesn't even acknowledge in his commit message, or the change log that the code was written by me.

This is the problem when somebody's ego is bigger than the project.It highlights everything that's wrong with the dishonest way that the webERP project is being run.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

if (isset($_POST['ws'])){ //ws??? wtf???

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

A strange title I know, but the story behind this is typical of the dishonest and abusive style of leadership that webERP is currently suffering from. 

This comment appeared in Phil Daintree's commit here. Including comments like this in code is inappropriate. If he has a problem with some code he should speak to the author of the code privately and not litter the code with such abusive comments.

What is amusing about this though is that he hadn't bothered to look up who did this code. A simple svn command tells us who did it:

13:37:23 $ svn blame Customers.php | grep 'ws'
   297   daintree                       '. ' . _('If this does not
happen') .' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh') .
') ' .
  6033   daintree if (isset($_POST['ws'])){ //ws??? wtf???
   944   daintree       $ws = $_POST['ws'];
   944   daintree } elseif (isset($_GET['ws'])){
   944   daintree       $ws = $_GET['ws'];
   194   daintree       if (DB_num_rows($result)==0){
  4594   daintree       if (DB_num_rows($result)==0){
   194   daintree       if (DB_num_rows($result)==0){
   194   daintree       if (DB_num_rows($result)==0){
   194   daintree       if (DB_num_rows($result)==0){
   944   daintree                       echo '<tr class="OddTableRows">';
   944   daintree                       echo '<tr class="EvenTableRows">';

As can be seen, it turns out the author of the code is somebody called daintree!  Once I pointed this out to him, instead of his normal trick of ridiculing the authors work, he silently removed the comment here.

If it hadn't been Phil who had authored the code, what would have happened? In 2010 a developer called Marcos Trejo with the help of Pak Ricard developed an excellent module for printing labels, which has since been used by many businesses.

However, Phil didn't like this code. Instead of speaking to Ricard and Marcos privately about this code, and how it can be improved, he started to constantly ridicule the code on the mailing list. Almost daily we would wake up to yet more personal attacks on this contribution. This is not the way to encourage new developers. It is no wonder that Marcos didn't contribute any more code.

All contributors should be treated equally. All contributors should retain the copyright to their own work. Double standards should not be applied.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Lot's of great new functionality

KwaMoja has just gained lots of new functionality.

We now have a maintenance module for fixed assets. This allows you to set specific maintenance tasks for individual fixed assets, set up a schedule for these tasks to be done, and to email the person responsible with reminders when the tasks are becoming due.

Electronic bank statements in the MT940 format can now be imported and analysed directly into the KwaMoja general ledger.

Many thanks must go to Phil Daintree for this excellent contribution.

Phil has also setup a demo mode, which will stop whoever it is with an IP address in Wellington, New Zealand that has too much time on their hands and too little to occupy themselves. This person keeps trying to come up with new ways to wreck our demo. Thanks Phil for helping to stop them.

Also KwaMoja now links to Phil's new web shop, and it can be administered directly through KwaMoja. This web shop is commercial software, and not open source, so it is hard for us to test and verify, so caution  needs to be observed on the security side of this as it stores information about your customers payment methods. Nevertheless a great contribution, thanks Phil.

We now also have the ability to import general ledger journals, payments, and receipts directly from a csv file.

Also there is now a flag setting in the user setup that can restrict a user to only access their default location. Thanks Jerry for sponsoring this work.

All this new functionality can be tried out at the KwaMoja demo.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Re-writing history

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil Daintree has started editing and deleting posts of mine on the nabble forums in order to show a version of history that he wants people to believe rather than the reality.

This is typical of the dishonest way that the webERP project is currently being run.

I will re-instate my posts, but it is guaranteed that he will just repeat his actions, and remove the real posts, and just insert his own as mine.

Meanwhile users should be aware that the views that seem to come from me are not necessarily mine, and should be treated with caution.

I also urge others who post to the nabble forums to carefully check any posts they have made, to ensure that theirs have also not been changed by Phil.

Friday, 7 June 2013

The dishonesty of sending private emails to third parties libeling somebody.

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

It seems that Phil Daintree's latest ploy is to send people private emails about me, thus hoping that I will be unable to give that person my version of the events. Several people have sent me copies of these emails so I have been able to point out the facts to them, however this doesn't get away from the basic dishonesty of these actions.

It's important to note that Phil does not dispute any of the facts about him that I have put in this blog, what he is against is that I should be able to write it at all, and that he is unable to block it.

One of the things Phil repeatedly says about me is that I am unable to admit when I am wrong. So just for fun I spent 5 minutes searching the nabble archives. There are dozens of examples of my apologising for being wrong of which the following is a small sample, but the reader can find there own by searching here.

When Phil says I cannot admit to being wrong, what he actually means is that I wont say he is right when he is clearly wrong. In an email to several major contributors of webERP he told us that once he has expressed his opinion on a matter then the subject should be closed and no more discussion will be allowed. This is unacceptable in an open source project, whatever messianic delusions the administrator may have

Monday, 20 May 2013

Phil Daintree and his "hate pages"

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Writing "Hate Pages" about fellow developers and then denying them the right to reply has always been Phil Daintree's weapon of choice when trying to bully developers out of the project. Back on 11 September 2007 when Phil was trying to bully most of the early webERP developers out of the project, he wrote to me telling me he had written one of his hate pages about them and was going to publish it on 

At the time I dissuaded him from this action. He again brought the subject on the following day, and again I had to dissuade him. Unfortunately when he came to writing his "hate page" about me there was nobody left to dissuade him.

These are used to force developers to leave quietly, as Phil maintains personal control over the mailing lists, the forums, the wiki and the web site, meaning that it is not possible to dispute any of the lies he writes within the project. What really annoys him about me is that I refuse to be intimidated off the project.

I received many warnings about this behaviour when I was first getting deeply involved in the project. Unfortunately I really didn't believe them. Obviously I should have, and have since apologised to those whose warnings I ignored.

Only by taking the stand I have can I hope to save current and future developers being treated in this way.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Where did you say the truth was Phil?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will apologise and amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil Daintree has recently started to say that the truth is at the web site he hijacked from a project that was started by an Indian gentleman as a result of this exchange on here:

However let us ignore the ethics of stealing another projects domain name to use to attack a developer in your own project, but rather let us put to rest what is really the truth once and for all.

Writing "Hate Pages" about fellow developers and then denying them the right to reply has always been Phil Daintree's weapon of choice when trying to bully developers out of the project. Back on 11 September 2007 when Phil was trying to bully most of the early webERP developers out of the project, he wrote to me telling me he had written one of his hate pages about them and was going to publish it on At the time I dissuaded him from this action. He again brought the subject on the following day, and again I had to dissuade him. Unfortunately when he came to writing his "hate page" about me there was nobody left to dissuade him.

Phil starts off by saying that the page is a defense against things I have said in this blog. However as anybody associated with the project for long can tell you Phil has been putting up hate pages about me for several years now, as can be seen rightv back in this thread: All my blog posts are date stamped, so this is a lie.

Phil then says that anybody who opposes him must be me in disguise and says all their messages come from the same IP address. Where is your proof of this silly statement Phil? Oh there is none, because it is a lie! This from a man who poses on the internet as somebody called Anthony to attack me!!

Phil then goes on to say that the fixed asset module I wrote did not work. Yes it did, and is still in use at one of Uganda's biggest retailers (Bata shoes). Where is the link to these bugs Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie.

Phil says he then removed me as admin. I have linked to the posts where he removed me as admin in an earlier blog post. The real reason was that he was upset that we had an argument over retaining the purchase order history. Where is your proof that this when you removed me Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie!

Amendment 2712/2013:

Phil has now sent me evidence that he withdrew my svn access before the discussion on purchase ordering. This may or may not prove that he also withdrew my admin at this point, but he certainly didn't have the courage to tell me this either publicly or privately until after he had his ego dented by the PO conversation.

Phil then claims credit for some changes done to purchase ordering. As I have linked to in an earlier post the changes were written by me. As I had at that point had my access to svn removed, I posted the changes to a different repository. As demonstrated in the earlier post, Phil took my commit and then posted it the following day (these commits are date stamped by sourceforge) claiming it as his own work!! What is more incredible is that he now claims I "bitterly opposed" my own changes. Phil where is your proof of any of this? Oh there is none because it is a lie.

Phil says he originally removed my svn access because I was overwriting his changes. Does he post any links to this? No he doesn't because there are none. It is just another of his lies.

Amendment 27/12/2013

Phil has now sent me a commit where I had accidentally over written some changes that he had done. I apologised for this almost immediately after, as our commits had crossed. I was in Africa at the time on a very slow internet connection and hadn't had time to update. The commit only overwrote some case changes to variable names. Hardly the crime of the century. Certainly not as bad as his recent commit forcing many users off webERP. My​ reaction was to immediately apologise to Phil , and explain. His reaction was to remove my SVN access.

Phil says I wanted to do the database upgrades in a new language of my own invention calle "pseudo sql" In fact the language was PHP as can be seen here: Where is the proof of this new language Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie!

Phil then claims I was "violently" opposed to his number formatting system. All I suggested was that we used the functionality that PHP provides for doing this instead of inventing his own functionality. No violence used whatsoever!! Phil's solution also requires that the locale be installed, as has been discovered by him since. Where is your proof of this "violence" Phil? Oh there is none because it is another lie!

Phil then goes into a long diatribe on his attempt to claim the copyright to the whole codebase. This contradicts itself at every twist and turn, in his desperate attempts to deny it. As far as I can make out the latest story is that saying that the copyright is owned by is a secret code for saying that the copyright is actually owned by the individual authors. Really Phil? In that case why the need for a secret code? Why the need for subterfuge? If thats what you mean just say it and be clear! Or is it just another lie?

He then goes on to say that my access to the mailing list is only moderated! Not so as anyone can see from the messages to that nabble forum. For instance here: As anyone can see Bob's postings to the nabble forum are allowed through to the mailing lists mine are not. Are these postings in any way abusive? No, it is just another of Phil's lies.

On the subject of abuse as anybody can see by reading the archives, more often than not the abuse was started by Phil, as a result of him losing a technical discussion.

Phil says he took away my svn access because I was no longer making a useful contribution. Strange that he has continued to take my code and commit it, just claiming it as his own code!! Does he post any links to where my contribution was not useful? No he doesn't.

Phil then goes into a long quote purportedly written by me. Does he post a link to this post? No he doesn't. Can he find it in googles cache? No he can't. In fact can he find it anywhere? No can you as a reader? I have tried searching for it by using some phrases from it, and the only person who appears to have written it is Phil Daintree. Oh dear another lie Phil?

He then prints a reply to his own comment. I shall ignore most of this as commenting on his own comment is just silly.

Then he tries to justify a different method of calculating a developers contribution to the code. All I can do is point people to his original comment here: How bitter do you have to be to keep changing these things to try and show that you are a bigger and more important person??

+Phil Daintree  says in his hate pages:

contained references to his Kwamoja fork.
I asked him to review and fix it... he refused."
Strange because clearly shows me 
removing these references to KwaMoja immediately +Phil Daintree  pointed out my mistake - An 
accidental mistake I apologised to him about straight away. He then goes on to fabricate
an email where I apparently say I wasn't going to remove these references, even
though sourceforges SVN clearly shows I already had!!  
+Phil Daintree says that I am not a member of the ICAEW. Quite right I am not, but when did I claim to be?
What I have said is that I am a UK qualified accountant. Phil is very careful in his choice of language
here because he implies that I am not a qualified accountant without actually saying so. 
He knows what my qualifications are because I have shown them to him so he resorts to such
innuendo in the hope people won't read too deeply into what he says. This is another reason why
+Phil Daintree  is so frightened of allowing me a right to reply to his lies.

+Phil Daintree has said I overwrote some of his work on purchase ordering and has
linked to some commits on this subject. Yes I fixed some bugs as Phil's work didn't  
deal with cancelled orders. I notice these bug fixes are still in the webERP code 
today!! Strange that exactly 5 years on Phil hasn't got around to removing this
code if it is so bad!! It is typical of the man that he tells these lies and doesn't have the 
honesty to allow me to link to the evidence showing that all that he says about me
is just lies, lies, and yet more lies! 

+Phil Daintree says in his hate pages that the reason he removed my ability to commit to the webERP project was that I misspelled  the name of a CSS class in one of my commits. As anybody who understands HTML/CSS programming can tell him if a web browser finds a css class it doesn't know it just ignores it. There was no performance loss or harm to the user interface. Compare this to some of the really bad commits he and others have done! Interestingly a css class of the exact same name was soon added to webERP meaning that +Phil Daintree  himself now commits code with this identical css class in it!!

So that's it? No comments on what I have said in this blog at all, despite that being what it was titled as. Just lies and nasty innuendos about my coding and my character that he cannot prove because they are just lies.

I will leave it to the reader to judge what is the truth. I have always been content to put the facts before the community and let them judge. I see no need for censorship or banning. So why does Phil believe in censorship and banning to avoid criticism?

ps Phil, can you stop sending the hate mail that pollutes my inbox every day?