Showing posts with label erp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erp. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Introducing Colin


I am pleased to announce the first release of Colin, our integrated testing suite for KwaMoja. This software automatically controls KwaMoja using the libcurl libraries, and compares the results against expected results, outputting the results in a nice web viewable format. The tests can be batch run, so hundreds of tests can be automatically run and their results viewed.

Technical Details

The suite contains a a library of functions for automating a complete KwaMoja session. There is a function to login, to choose an appropriate module, to choose an appropriate menu item, to run any number of options within that option, and to logout. Each step of the way, various tests are run for PHP errors/warnings/notices etc and any of these are recorded. All links in a page are verified to make sure they are not broken. When a page carries out some action against the database the result is verified. More verifications will be put in, software of this kind is never complete.


The output from a Colin session can be viewed through your web browser, and looks like this:
If there are any details clicking on the "Details" link will bring up a new page showing these:
This will include any screenshots automatically saved by Colin:

Can I get a Colin of my own?

Yes. Colin is released under the GPL v2.0 license and is obtainable from my github site

Why Colin?

Why not? It just seemed like a good name to me!

Friday, 11 July 2014

KwaMoja / webERP hospital extensions

I am pleased to announce that we have brought our hospital extensions in line with the latest code, and that it is now available for testing. It can be downloaded from my github site at

This code by itself can be used in small clinics where it is just necessary to track what treatment a patient has had, and do the financials, or it can be used together with Care2x (

On installation you should find that you have another module called "Hospitals" installed. 

This module contains all the options for billing patients, dealing with the insurance companies, and reporting on the hospitals activities.

Using these extensions will provide a great help in tightening up a hospitals financial activities, and considerably help to reduce fraud. A brief description of how this works is given below.

Each cashier has a petty cash account that is just for their use, and which can be restricted to just them and a senior accountant/cashier to use. 

The Hospitals module contains options to bill from various hospital departments.

When a patient presents themselves at the cashier for say, the Laboratory, the cashier just has to select the option for "Billing For Laboratory Tests". They will then see a screen for helping them find the patient:
This is the same for whichever billing option the cashier chooses. As can be seen the cashier can search on many different ways, including the name, address, phone number to establish the right patient. Once the patient has been selected the cashier will see the billing screen:
If the link to Care2x is active then all the unbilled laboratory tests for that patient
will be shown, together with the total amount to be paid, so that all the cashier has to do is to collect the cash from the patient, and click on "Make Payment".
If the Care2x link is not activated then the patient should present the cashier with a document to show what Laboratory test they have been prescribed. The cashier then selects this as follows.
When the lab test is selected the price for that test is automatically pulled from the system. This depends on what price list was selected for that patient. Any number of price lists can be setup and selected for the patient. The cashier can select as many tests as needed, and the total amount payable is automatically entered in the "Amount Received" box.

When the cashier clicks on the "Make Payment" button all accounting and stock transactions related to this payment are automatically done using pre determined parameters.

At the end of the shift the cashier prints out a transactions report for their cash account, and the total of that list must agree with the total amount of cash that the cashier has collected. This list together with the cash is then taken to the chief accountant/cashier who verifies that the cash agrees with the report, and then does a transfer of cash from the cashiers account to the main account, which makes the balance of the cashiers account zero, in preparation for their next shift.

The chief accountant, or other authorised person then produces a report of any laboratory tests that were prescribed but have not been billed, and any items shown on this report need to be analysed to see why they have not been billed.

 There are various other reports and configuration options available which there isn't space to go into right now, and I will try to publish another article on these.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

KwaMoja version 14.02 is released

 KwaMoja version 14.02

This is a brand new version of KwaMoja with many additional features, and many enhancements from webERP.

There is a completely rewritten installer giving an option of 27 different charts of account donated by contributors from around the world. Users have the choice to upload some demo data, or to go through the entire hand holding procedure to set up a new blank company.

Internal stock requests can now be edited or cancelled on a per line or per request basis.

When making a payment to suppliers, the invoices can be chosen from within the payments screen, and all allocations are performed automatically.

Inventory can now be analysed on an ABC basis, to identify fast/slow moving items. This analysis can be done using different bases, and multiple analyses kept.

KwaMoja has a dashboard that enables multiple views of the status of orders/inventory/banks etc. to be shown on one screen. This is configurable on a per user basis.

There is a new and more intuitive user interface for those using it for whom English is not the first language.

Shipments can now be entered with a start date before today's date thus enabling a more sensible ETA date to be entered.

The code has been simplified and smartened up in line with the coding guidelines.

Numerous bug fixes have been applied.

Form as are now verified at client side, and better error dialogs are shown.

The full change log can be viewed here:

The state of resource planning in African Industry

A proper history of ERP would be beyond the scope of this article so what below is a radical précis of the facts, simplifying occasionally for the sake of brevity.

In the nineteen seventies a new approach to manufacturing systems started to spread outwards from Japan. Generally credited as starting at Toyota where it had evolved over a period of years. This approach had several names JIT (Just In Time), stockless production, and Material requirements planning (MRP).

What was happening was that the capabilities of computers was being utilised to plan the resources being used in manufacturing to dramatically reduce the cost of holding and handling these resources. It became possible to plan exactly what resources were going to be needed and when. Then correct management of the supply chain meant that these resources could be in the right place at exactly the right time. Better planning and efficient use of resources produced better quality finished goods.

This revolutionary approach began to move through western businesses during the eighties with such companies as Hewlett Packard leading the way. Through the eighties and into the nineties most western companies adopted at least some of this new manufacturing philosophy, the most successful at implementing this became the most competitive, and survived the recessions of those years.

Computer software to help this approach was developed, at first in house, and then by ISV's. This was called MRP, then MRP II also CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning) eventually evolving into one integrated solution ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

Like most new market places there was an initial explosion in the eighties of many vendors supplying this software, followed up as the market matured in the nineties by a consolidation into a small number of vendors.

Then came the open source revolution of the new century, when there was again an explosion of new products onto the market place.

So, first Asian businesses, then American and European businesses adopted this new philosophy their products became highly competitive in the world market. Where did this leave Africa?

I first began to get involved with African businesses in the second half of the last decade and was horrified at just how few companies had adopted this approach to manufacturing. Too often the approach was "Labour is cheap, if we have a problem we throw more cheap labour at it". This approach comes with many problems. Most obviously quality falls when you employ cheap temporary labour, but there is also the social aspect of this. The small amount of planning that seemed to be done was done by hand or spreadsheet. The resource planning revolution had not reached Africa.

Poor control of resources also meant that businesses were losing a great amount of stock through theft. This had a double affect on the business, there was the loss of money that had to be used to replenish the stock, but also the failure to meet customer orders was costing them dearly.

This meant that African goods just couldn't compete with western companies that used sophisticated tools to keep quality high, and costs low.

It would be nice to say that African business owners took to ERP very quickly, but as it was in the early days in the west it was a struggle, but more and more businesses are now seeing the benefits of good planning.

The only software that has been available to African businesses has been produced in the west. This was one of our motivations in producing KwaMoja. We wanted to produce some thing that would benefit African businesses, and something that was produced in Africa, and something that African consultants can sell services around.

We are happy to announce that a new version of KwaMoja is ready and hitting the mirrors already. This is version 14.02 and you can download this version from here.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Sustainability and Corruption in donor funded projects.

I wrote this article a couple of days ago and it attracted a lot of comments. Many of the comments focused on these two issues which I didn't go into in much detail, but they are very important to donor funded ICT projects.

These are somewhat controversial subjects so again I will keep from naming specifics.

Any donor funded project should be sustainable. That is it should continue to function when the donor leaves. Sounds obvious I know, but most people would be amazed at just how few do carry on working. Anybody who has like me, worked and traveled extensively in Africa will be able to recount stories of when this has failed. Here are just a few of mine:
  • Water pumps that cannot be maintained when they break down because there are no spare parts, no money or means to get them, nobody trained to fit them if they were available. 
  • Fields full of farm machinery (Tractors, Canadian sized combine harvesters etc) rotting away. Why? No spare parts, and nobody trained to maintain them.
  • I once visited a large hospital in East Africa which had a modern but non-functioning CT scanner. Again the reason given for its lack of functionality was that it had broken down and nobody could repair it. The hospital was losing considerable income from its not working. This income could easily have paid for a maintenance contract but nobody had arranged it. Lives were being lost in that area of East Africa because the only hospital with a CT scanner had no plan to maintain the scanner once it broke down. The hospital director told me that eventually somebody would donate a new one and the old one would be thrown away.
I am not finger pointing here, this is a story you will hear throughout Africa. In order for projects to be sustainable they have to generate some income, and that income has to be put back into the project in order to provide for the maintenance. For instance I saw a very good scheme in rural Tanzania where the donors had paid for a water pipeline bringing fresh water from a mountain spring many miles away. The local towns people were charged a few shillings (one shilling equals 0.00037 British pounds at current exchange rate) for the water. This money was used to pay local towns people to maintain the pipeline. The money stayed within the local community, and the water continues to flow to this day. Why can't a similar model be used for the above mentioned pumps?

I have seen projects providing hospitals with software. The hospitals were led to believe that the software was free, so no provision was made to support the system once it was installed. When bugs were found in the system there was nobody to fix them, and the software fell into misuse. However this software made the hospitals more efficient, improved their income, that income should have been used to fund local support for that software.

This is one of the reasons why billions of dollars in aid money floods into Africa but things never get better for its citizens.

The other reason is the corruption that follows these projects. I have over the years had conversations with people who have been found to have taken money from projects.  The common theme is always that they do not see it as stealing, or as something wrong. The best analogy I have is that aid money is seen like a river flowing down the mountain, and if you divert a little to irrigate your own field, then the water doesn't stop flowing, and you get a better harvest. The flaw with this argument is that the supply of money is finite and the river does stop flowing.

The best solution I have for this is closer and more rigorous scrutiny of the project by onsite managers who are appointed by the project donors to supervise the use of the money. Just the same as would be done with any commercial company when a budget is allocated to a project.

International aid is not working, but it can. It needs a change of attitude from both the donors and the receivers of the aid.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Announcing Project Mtuha

I blogged recently about a plan to produce an application based on merging +KwaMoja with Care2x, and I thought it was time to update on progress. Currently the project is called Mtuha.

We have been working on the interface, Registration, Admissions, and Billing modules, but to continue much further with the project we require some form of sponsorship to make it happen. Please let me know if you have any ideas for this.

The interface now looks like this:

The icons along the top left of the toolbar represent different security tokens that the user will have in their login. For information about the security tokens used in KwaMoja see this blog post here
Holding the mouse over one of these icons brings down a menu containing those options allowed for that security token.

Clicking on any of these options loads up that script in the browser.

We have created a minimal framework that enables forms to be designed, and submitted. Also all forms can be edited, and each element in a form can be made mandatory, and it's visibility can be toggled on and off. This can be used for all forms, and converting the current forms in KwaMoja and Care2x to this framework is very easy.

The registration form contains many elements, a few of which can be seen below, but any of these can be hidden, or added, made mandatory, or optional.
There is a stock type of "Registration Items", and any items set up with this category will appear as options at the bottom of the registration screen:
On completion of the registration, the above appears, and any options that user is entitled to perform are shown on the right. Clicking on print, just prints the patient detail label. Mtuha can be setup to use the bar code, so that when the bar code is scanned by a mobile device (phone etc.) you can be taken to a chosen place in Mtuha for that patient.
There is a new patient search facility, which is the same as used throughout Mtuha when a patient number needs to be found. When you start to type in any of the search fields, the list of possible patients automatically updates. At the far right of each patient details there is a small icon. Clicking that icon will bring up a list of options that the particular user can choose to perform on that patient record.

This particular user can only modify the registration details, or admit the patient. If the user was a cashier then they would see options to bill the patient.
Clicking to admit the patient takes you to the admissions form shown here.

Like the registration form it is fully customisable, and all fields can be made optional/mandatory, or be hidden/shown.

As with the registration form, there is a stock type called Admission. Any items setup with this stock type will appear at the bottom of the admissions form. You can select one or many of these billable items, just as with registration.

If the user then logs in as a cashier, and searches for a patient they are then presented with an option to bill the patient, rather than previously seeing the options to register and admit. Selecting that option brings up this screen, showing any unpaid items for that patient.

Clicking on the button prints a bill for this patient. However it also does a lot more. If any of the items are physical stock items then the required stock movements are processed, together with all related General Ledger transactions. Each cashier has a separate cash account set up for them, and processing this bill will debit that account, and credit the profit and loss account with the sale. At the end of their shift there is a report that should be run by the cashier detailing all the cash they should have received. This report is checked against the physical amount of money the cashier has, and is then passed on to the accounts department.

As I said at the beginning of this article, what we really require now is funding to hire more African developers, and pay for my time.

Monday, 30 September 2013

What KwaMoja is and what KwaMoja is not

This is a post about what exactly KwaMoja is, and why we are doing it, and also to explain properly what it is not.


KwaMoja has its origins in some lectures I did at a community college in Kenya. The basis of the lectures was extending the webERP software in various directions. After the lectures some of the students wanted to carry on the work. Due to the unfriendly and often abusive style of management at webERP and I suggested they speak to Munir Patel who had previously talked to me about doing an African/Indian based fork of webERP, and so KwaMoja was born.

When it became obvious that certain people were intent on destroying the project for their own selfish ends, I got involved more deeply.


Our vision at KwaMoja is to make African businesses more competitive with those in the west. In the Eighties, western businesses went through a revolution, lowering inventory costs, improving efficiencies, improving quality, and raising profits for their shareholders. Central to this revolution was the rolling out of ERP software. Very few businesses in the west do not now take advantage of ERP. We believe that KwaMoja is that ERP software for African businesses.

Free Software

KwaMoja is Free software. Now free in this sense means that KwaMoja code comes to you free of restrictions. You can do whatever you like with it, so long as you maintain those freedoms. When you buy software from Apple for instance, the software comes with many restrictions as to what you can and cannot do with it. You can only use it to do what some people in grey suits at Apple's HQ want you to do with it. Free software does not necessarily mean that you cannot charge people for the software, anybody who wants to charge for KwaMoja can do, and anybody who wishes to give it away free can also do that.

Where is the money?

KwaMoja itself has no funding. It is not a company, we have no income, and we have no employees. It is made possible by donations of time and money from those of us involved. However we are not super rich philanthropists. Far from it, and we have had to earn money elsewhere while getting the project ready for release. There is no money to pay web designers, programmers etc.

Many people and companies in the west have become wealthy by being consultants in the implementation of ERP systems. They have no financial interest in the software themselves. They merely work on the implementation side, and people like SAP get the software fees themselves. These fees are often prohibitive to African companies. Our aim at KwaMoja is to build an ecosystem so that many people can get rich on the back of the KwaMoja project. Our aim is to get as many people as possible selling consultancy services around this project.

Consultants who work for $250 a day are considered very cheap, even in African countries. The rewards can be huge.

Why would someone need consultancy?

According to research at least 65% of ERP implementations fail. Failure can often have disastrous implications for a business, whilst success can bring huge benefits to a business. Employing good experienced consultants is often the difference between success and failure. This is why western businesses will always pay for consultancy.

Why would I want to donate my time and skills?

Good question. As I have said above we are none of us rich philanthropists, and we are all seeking to make some money in the end. Imagine you are a company that is looking for consultancy support for it's implementation . Would you choose a consultant who has been actively involved in the building of the software, or someone who has done nothing for it? My guess is that those who contribute the most will earn the most as consultants. You would also gain a global audience to showcase your skills.

Is it just for Africa?

No, definitely not. This software can be used anywhere in the world.


So there it is, that is what KwaMoja is. Sound interesting? Then join us, there is always tons to do.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Setting up your computer for KwaMoja

KwaMoja is a web application. This means that the software runs on a server, and is viewed through a web browser. These need not be on different computers, it is perfectly possible to have both the server and the browser on the same machine.

For best results the browser should be a relatively recent release but as all browsers are freely available for download this should not be a problem.

The web server can be run on most operating systems released in the last decade. It should include a web server, a database server, and the PHP language.

On windows we recommend using the WampServer. This can be downloaded for free and installed with one click. This will install all of the above applications. You will find a folder called something like c:\wamp\www where you should unpack your KwaMoja code. Once the wamp server is started, just point your browser at http://localhost/KwaMoja and you should be greeted by the KwaMoja installer.

On Debian based Linux systems the packages can be installed by using the following command (

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server

sudo yum install httpd mysql mysql-server php php-mysql

On Apple computers you can setup a one click install using MAMP. Like with windows it will install everything in one go.

Of course as with most things there are many other ways to achieve this, (use nginx instead of apache, use mariadb instead of mysql) but the above methods will get you started with the new beta of KwaMoja.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

New installer for KwaMoja

The final bit of the new +KwaMoja version is now complete and just needs testing. This is the brand new installer. 

Firstly it should be said that this builds on the excellent work of +Exson Qu and +iced lava. After downloading +KwaMoja and placing the code in the web root, point your browser to the code.

You should be taken automatically to the installer screen.

This is the wizard that will guide you through the entire installation process.

The first selection you must make is the language that you want to use for the installation, and for the admin user.
Changing this language setting will immediately refresh the screen, and you should now see it in your chosen language.

This language setting will remain constant through the rest of the installation process.

NB You must have the correct language setup on your server.

The final step on this first page is to choose the database management system that you want to use in +KwaMoja

Currently only MariaDB, MySQL, and MySQLi are supported, although +Fahad Hatib has nearly completed his work to have PostgreSQL  supported in +KwaMoja. However it was decided to leave this till after this release to give maximum testing time for his work. Clicking on "Next Step" takes you to the second screen of the installer.

This screen will make all the necessary checks on your system to ensure that
+KwaMoja can be installed and run on your server.

If you get any failures here then you will be presented with a button to "Check Again". Just correct the problem and then click this button, until all problems are resolved, and you get a screen like the one on the right. Then move on to the next step.

This screen is for details of the database connection that we are going to use.

The first field is for the host machine that the database is on, relative to the web server, not to the client machine. So if the web server and the database server are on the same machine this can be left as "localhost". An IP address can also be used.

The last two fields are for the login details to your database. This shouldn't be confused with the login details to +KwaMoja. The second field is for the name of the database that you will use. This should only contains alphanumeric characters, and no spaces. If the database login that you supply doesn't have permissions to create a database (a lot of shared hosting companies do not allow this) then this database must be created manually before the installation process begins.

Clicking on "Next Step" takes us to the final screen of the installer. The first field is for the name of your company. This should be the full name that you want to appear on all paper work. Next we select a chart of accounts to be used for our company. Currently we have 27 charts kindly donated from all around the world - Many thanks to all those who have donated. Next is the timezone that the server is located in +KwaMoja should choose the correct for you. Finally you can upload your company logo which appears throughout +KwaMoja If you don't upload a logo the default +KwaMoja logo will be used instead.

Next we have the option to install some random test data.
Choose this if you are just evaluating +KwaMoja otherwise leave this unchecked.
Finally you need to enter the details for the +KwaMoja system administrator account. Default is a userid of admin, and a password of "kwamoja", but you can decide your own.

Once done click on the install button, and the installation process will start.

This will firstly create a config.php file based on the settings you give. Then create a database for you (this process is quite slow as it performs many checks along the way to ensure the database is correct). Finally if you have elected to load the random demonstration data, this will then be loaded.

Once this is done, a button will be shown to start +KwaMoja. You will need to login using the system administrator login that you provided.

Once logged in, you will be taken to some of the configuration screens to setup your +KwaMoja. It is important you read these screens properly, and give the correct information. If in doubt consult the manual.

You can download this version of +KwaMoja for free from here

All feedback is appreciated. Please log any issues you find here.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The importance of free and open discussion in projects

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

+Phil Daintree has frequently said on webERP that when he gives his opinion on a subject then nobody is allowed to contradict his opinion and no more discussion on the subject should happen. People who ignore this and express different opinions on any subject find themselves banned from any future discussions.

This is fine as long as the decision that +Phil Daintree has come up with is correct, and that no better solution can ever exist. However when the decision is wrong then the repercussions can be very damaging.

For instance recently +Phil Daintree decided to use regular expressions to filter input into forms. This is a good idea in theory, but needs careful thought and planning, as the implications for non English characters are huge. As Phil had announced this decision as his, then no discussion was allowed.

We now have a webERP system (versions 4.11 and 4.11.1) which is totally unusable to anybody not using the standard 26 English alphabet characters. Not only this, but many of the other bugs already found in 4.11.1 and many of the others that await discovery could have been avoided by allowing free and open discussions.

This is a mistake that we intend to avoid in +KwaMoja. Anybody is allowed to contribute anything to any discussion. Even arguments are good as they force both sides to think through their ideas carefully.

"The only people who are afraid to argue are those who know themselves to be wrong".

Friday, 6 September 2013

Introducing the KwaMoja dashboard

+KwaMoja now has a customisable dashboard.

This code has been kindly donated to +KwaMoja by +Mythri Hegde of Netelity and adds considerably to the usability of +KwaMoja.

We can produce any number of small reports to show in the dashboard. +Mythri Hegde has already contributed nine, and they look like this:

Each of these mini reports has a security token assigned to it. The user can only add the report to their dashboard if they have that security token. See here for more details of security tokens.

All a user has to do to remove it from their dashboard is co click on the X in the top right hand corner of the report.

At the bottom of the dashboard is a selection box
Clicking on this drops down a list of all those reports that a user can add to their dashboard, as follows:
Choosing from here adds the report to the users dashboard. The screen shot above shows 6 reports, but the user can have any number of reports showing depending on what they want.

Many thanks to +Mythri Hegde for her hard work and for contributing the code back to the project.

See the dashboard in operation by going to the KwaMoja demo at

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

KwaMoja as it is used in African hospitals

People always talk about the use of +KwaMoja  in manufacturing, and distribution businesses, but +KwaMoja  also plays a big part in the administration of several hospitals.

We have written some extensions to +KwaMoja  that enable it to link seamlessly with an open source health information system project Care2x. All the financial and inventory transactions are delegated to +KwaMoja , and Care2x deals with the clinical information side.

When a patient is admitted in Care2x, +KwaMoja  Care2x will send this information to +KwaMoja  and if the patient is not already setup as a customer they will be setup. The interface with Care2x uses customer branches to indicate who will be paying the bill. If the patient pays in cash then they will get a branch with a code of CASH setup. If they are an insurance customer then they get a branch with an identical code to the customer code for that insurance company.

When any transaction occurs in Care2x which affects the financial status of the hospital then that information is sent to +KwaMoja.

So, when as in this example the doctor prescribes drugs for a patient in Care2x the transaction will be sent to +KwaMoja.

The cashier, who uses +KwaMoja will search for this patient and will be shown a list of all unpaid transactions for that patient, as can be seen here.

Once the items are paid for then the cashier will give the patient a receipt, which they can then exchange for the drugs, or test, or whatever the item is for.

If the item is a physical item, such as drugs as in this case +KwaMoja will automatically deduct the amount from the stock held. +KwaMoja will also do all the double entry bookkeeping for this transaction behind the scenes.

At the end of the cashiers shift, they can produce a report of all monies that they have taken, which should tally with the physical amount of money they have. This is transferred both physically and within +KwaMoja to a central cash account.

Using +KwaMoja the hospital can gain greater efficiency. It can also gain greater security against fraud, and as +KwaMoja is web based if there are remote funders of the hospital, such as a western charity, or central government, they get greater visibility on how the hospital is performing. All this leads to better health care for the people, and +KwaMoja is playing a central part in this.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Warehouse management - Part 1

I have been giving a lot of thought recently to how we should implement warehouse management. Just using row/bay/bin is too restrictive. 

If we have a warehouse structured like this :

it will not fit well to a rigid system of warehouse management.

What I propose a system where we have just one table for areas that can contain stock items. The best name would be "Locations" but that has already been taken, so I will for the moment call them "Containers". All containers can have parent containers. The above warehouse now looks like this:

As you can see the warehouse now can be modeled as a tree diagram. Each container can be set as to whether it can contain items, or just act as a container for child containers.

Each container has details of its physical position in the warehouse, and it's size. Also properties as to what it can contain (refrigeration unit for instance). Whether the contents are liquid etc.

Starting to implement this is easy, as each warehouse can be defined as a container. We just need a new table to hold the container information.

Monday, 5 August 2013

How to sort HTML tables in JavaScript

A short while ago I blogged that KwaMoja now has the facility to sort HTML tables in JavaScript. I have had numerous requests to explain more about how this is done, so here is a brief tutorial on achieving this.

The table has to be constructed in a specific way. The area of the table to be sorted has to contain one row of <th> cells followed by any number of <td> rows.

So the following HTML would be suitable:


which will look like this:

Header1 Header2
Data11 Data12
Data21 Data22

This area to be sorted must be completely contained within a pair of tags, for instance between a <table> and a </table>. If you require other things in the table, then I generally use a <tbody> and a </tbody> to surround the area to be sorted.

The JavaScript function starts with the following:

1 function SortSelect(selElem) {
2    table=selElem.parentNode.parentNode;
3    headerRow = table.rows[0];

The function is called by clicking on the <th></th> element of the column that we wish to sort by. Thus the parameter "selElem" will be that cell. The parent of that cell will be the row (<tr>) containing the header, and the parent of the row will be the element that contains the whole of the sortable table.

Thus line 2 will give us the entire table that we wish to sort. Line 3 assigns the first row of that table to the variable "headerRow"

4    columnText=selElem.innerHTML;
5    for (var j = 0, col; col = headerRow.cells[j]; j++) {
6        if (
headerRow.cells[j].innerHTML==columnText) {
7            columnNumber=j;

8    }

This section finds the column number that is to be sorted on. Line 4 finds the column header, and then lines 5 to 8 loop through the columns until the correct one is found.

09    var tmpArray = new Array();
10    for (var i = 1, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
11        var rowArray = new Array();
12        for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
13            if (row.cells[j].tagName == 'TD' ) {
14                rowArray[j]=row.cells[j].innerHTML;
15            }
16        }
17        tmpArray[i]=rowArray;
18    }

This section gets the information from each cell, and feeds it into a JavaScript array object before sorting it. Line 9 creates the array object then we cycle through each row (starting at the second line, as the first contains the headings), creating an array object for each row, and finally line 17 adds that row array to the main array.

19    tmpArray.sort(
20        function(a,b) {
21                if (columnClass=="number") {
22                    return parseFloat(a[columnNumber])-parseFloat(b[columnNumber]);
23                } else if (columnClass=="date") {
24                    da=new Date(a[columnNumber]);
25                    db=new Date(b[columnNumber]);
26                    return da>db;
27                } else {
28                    return a[columnNumber].localeCompare(b[columnNumber])

29                }
30        }
31    );

This section performs a standard JavaScript 3d array sorting routine. It will sort by number, alphabetic, and date. Other sorting routines can be included as needed.

Finally we need to feed the sorted array back into the html table as here

32    for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i+1]; i++) {
33        var rowArray = new Array();
34        rowArray=tmpArray[i];
35        for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
36            if (row.cells[j].tagName == 'TD' ) {
37                row.cells[j].innerHTML=rowArray[j];
38            }
39        }
40    }

and we have fully sorted the HTML table in 40 lines of JavaScript. I have added in some nice formatting, and cursors in, and get the following full function:

function SortSelect(selElem) {
    var tmpArray = new Array();
    row = table.rows[0];
    for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
        if (row.cells[j].innerHTML==columnText) {
            s=getComputedStyle(row.cells[j], null);
            if (s.cursor=="s-resize") {
                row.cells[j].style.backgroundPosition="right center";
            } else {
                row.cells[j].style.backgroundPosition="right center";
    for (var i = 1, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
        var rowArray = new Array();
        for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
            if (row.cells[j].tagName == 'TD' ) {
        function(a,b) {
            if (direction=="a") {
                if (columnClass=="number") {
                    return parseFloat(a[columnNumber])-parseFloat(b[columnNumber]);
                } else if (columnClass=="date") {
                    da=new Date(a[columnNumber]);
                    db=new Date(b[columnNumber]);
                    return da>db;
                } else {
                    return a[columnNumber].localeCompare(b[columnNumber])
            } else {
                if (columnClass=="number") {
                    return parseFloat(b[columnNumber])-parseFloat(a[columnNumber]);
                } else if (columnClass=="date") {
                    da=new Date(a[columnNumber]);
                    db=new Date(b[columnNumber]);
                    return da<=db;
                } else {
                    return b[columnNumber].localeCompare(a[columnNumber])
    for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i+1]; i++) {
        var rowArray = new Array();
        for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
            if (row.cells[j].tagName == 'TD' ) {

This is called by including this inline onclick handler


I hope this explanation is useful to some people.