Sunday, 5 May 2013

KwaMoja now has a plugin architecture!

Yesterday Munir blogged about the new KwaMoja plugin architecture. As he says in his post this will enable both open source and commercial plugins to be written for KwaMoja. The code with this system in can be found here, and a demo plugin can be downloaded from here.

This is an exciting new development as it means that specialist areas, such as health and education, to name but two, can now have full KwaMoja support. Previously code for this sort of area would not have been part of the main line, as it would be too specific to be included.

It also provides an opportunity for third party developers to make money from the KwaMoja ecosystem.

KwaMoja plugins come as zip files, they must be uploaded to the KwaMoja installation from the browser interface, and then unpacked and installed via the same interface.

There are three scripts that have been added to KwaMoja: PluginUpload.php to load the plugin to the installation, PluginInstall.php to unpack and install the plugin and PluginUnInstall.php to remove the plugin.

Later today I hope to post a tutorial on how to create your own plugins.

This code could be adapted to work in webERP if Phil Daintree wanted to work with us on doing that. From his recent behaviour I suspect he wont.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Where did you say the truth was Phil?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will apologise and amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil Daintree has recently started to say that the truth is at the web site he hijacked from a project that was started by an Indian gentleman as a result of this exchange on here:

However let us ignore the ethics of stealing another projects domain name to use to attack a developer in your own project, but rather let us put to rest what is really the truth once and for all.

Writing "Hate Pages" about fellow developers and then denying them the right to reply has always been Phil Daintree's weapon of choice when trying to bully developers out of the project. Back on 11 September 2007 when Phil was trying to bully most of the early webERP developers out of the project, he wrote to me telling me he had written one of his hate pages about them and was going to publish it on At the time I dissuaded him from this action. He again brought the subject on the following day, and again I had to dissuade him. Unfortunately when he came to writing his "hate page" about me there was nobody left to dissuade him.

Phil starts off by saying that the page is a defense against things I have said in this blog. However as anybody associated with the project for long can tell you Phil has been putting up hate pages about me for several years now, as can be seen rightv back in this thread: All my blog posts are date stamped, so this is a lie.

Phil then says that anybody who opposes him must be me in disguise and says all their messages come from the same IP address. Where is your proof of this silly statement Phil? Oh there is none, because it is a lie! This from a man who poses on the internet as somebody called Anthony to attack me!!

Phil then goes on to say that the fixed asset module I wrote did not work. Yes it did, and is still in use at one of Uganda's biggest retailers (Bata shoes). Where is the link to these bugs Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie.

Phil says he then removed me as admin. I have linked to the posts where he removed me as admin in an earlier blog post. The real reason was that he was upset that we had an argument over retaining the purchase order history. Where is your proof that this when you removed me Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie!

Amendment 2712/2013:

Phil has now sent me evidence that he withdrew my svn access before the discussion on purchase ordering. This may or may not prove that he also withdrew my admin at this point, but he certainly didn't have the courage to tell me this either publicly or privately until after he had his ego dented by the PO conversation.

Phil then claims credit for some changes done to purchase ordering. As I have linked to in an earlier post the changes were written by me. As I had at that point had my access to svn removed, I posted the changes to a different repository. As demonstrated in the earlier post, Phil took my commit and then posted it the following day (these commits are date stamped by sourceforge) claiming it as his own work!! What is more incredible is that he now claims I "bitterly opposed" my own changes. Phil where is your proof of any of this? Oh there is none because it is a lie.

Phil says he originally removed my svn access because I was overwriting his changes. Does he post any links to this? No he doesn't because there are none. It is just another of his lies.

Amendment 27/12/2013

Phil has now sent me a commit where I had accidentally over written some changes that he had done. I apologised for this almost immediately after, as our commits had crossed. I was in Africa at the time on a very slow internet connection and hadn't had time to update. The commit only overwrote some case changes to variable names. Hardly the crime of the century. Certainly not as bad as his recent commit forcing many users off webERP. My​ reaction was to immediately apologise to Phil , and explain. His reaction was to remove my SVN access.

Phil says I wanted to do the database upgrades in a new language of my own invention calle "pseudo sql" In fact the language was PHP as can be seen here: Where is the proof of this new language Phil? Oh there is none because it is a lie!

Phil then claims I was "violently" opposed to his number formatting system. All I suggested was that we used the functionality that PHP provides for doing this instead of inventing his own functionality. No violence used whatsoever!! Phil's solution also requires that the locale be installed, as has been discovered by him since. Where is your proof of this "violence" Phil? Oh there is none because it is another lie!

Phil then goes into a long diatribe on his attempt to claim the copyright to the whole codebase. This contradicts itself at every twist and turn, in his desperate attempts to deny it. As far as I can make out the latest story is that saying that the copyright is owned by is a secret code for saying that the copyright is actually owned by the individual authors. Really Phil? In that case why the need for a secret code? Why the need for subterfuge? If thats what you mean just say it and be clear! Or is it just another lie?

He then goes on to say that my access to the mailing list is only moderated! Not so as anyone can see from the messages to that nabble forum. For instance here: As anyone can see Bob's postings to the nabble forum are allowed through to the mailing lists mine are not. Are these postings in any way abusive? No, it is just another of Phil's lies.

On the subject of abuse as anybody can see by reading the archives, more often than not the abuse was started by Phil, as a result of him losing a technical discussion.

Phil says he took away my svn access because I was no longer making a useful contribution. Strange that he has continued to take my code and commit it, just claiming it as his own code!! Does he post any links to where my contribution was not useful? No he doesn't.

Phil then goes into a long quote purportedly written by me. Does he post a link to this post? No he doesn't. Can he find it in googles cache? No he can't. In fact can he find it anywhere? No can you as a reader? I have tried searching for it by using some phrases from it, and the only person who appears to have written it is Phil Daintree. Oh dear another lie Phil?

He then prints a reply to his own comment. I shall ignore most of this as commenting on his own comment is just silly.

Then he tries to justify a different method of calculating a developers contribution to the code. All I can do is point people to his original comment here: How bitter do you have to be to keep changing these things to try and show that you are a bigger and more important person??

+Phil Daintree  says in his hate pages:

contained references to his Kwamoja fork.
I asked him to review and fix it... he refused."
Strange because clearly shows me 
removing these references to KwaMoja immediately +Phil Daintree  pointed out my mistake - An 
accidental mistake I apologised to him about straight away. He then goes on to fabricate
an email where I apparently say I wasn't going to remove these references, even
though sourceforges SVN clearly shows I already had!!  
+Phil Daintree says that I am not a member of the ICAEW. Quite right I am not, but when did I claim to be?
What I have said is that I am a UK qualified accountant. Phil is very careful in his choice of language
here because he implies that I am not a qualified accountant without actually saying so. 
He knows what my qualifications are because I have shown them to him so he resorts to such
innuendo in the hope people won't read too deeply into what he says. This is another reason why
+Phil Daintree  is so frightened of allowing me a right to reply to his lies.

+Phil Daintree has said I overwrote some of his work on purchase ordering and has
linked to some commits on this subject. Yes I fixed some bugs as Phil's work didn't  
deal with cancelled orders. I notice these bug fixes are still in the webERP code 
today!! Strange that exactly 5 years on Phil hasn't got around to removing this
code if it is so bad!! It is typical of the man that he tells these lies and doesn't have the 
honesty to allow me to link to the evidence showing that all that he says about me
is just lies, lies, and yet more lies! 

+Phil Daintree says in his hate pages that the reason he removed my ability to commit to the webERP project was that I misspelled  the name of a CSS class in one of my commits. As anybody who understands HTML/CSS programming can tell him if a web browser finds a css class it doesn't know it just ignores it. There was no performance loss or harm to the user interface. Compare this to some of the really bad commits he and others have done! Interestingly a css class of the exact same name was soon added to webERP meaning that +Phil Daintree  himself now commits code with this identical css class in it!!

So that's it? No comments on what I have said in this blog at all, despite that being what it was titled as. Just lies and nasty innuendos about my coding and my character that he cannot prove because they are just lies.

I will leave it to the reader to judge what is the truth. I have always been content to put the facts before the community and let them judge. I see no need for censorship or banning. So why does Phil believe in censorship and banning to avoid criticism?

ps Phil, can you stop sending the hate mail that pollutes my inbox every day?

Hate blog????????

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil has described my blog in the webERP forums as a hate blog!!

This is a very strange description for it. I assume he is not talking about the tutorials on the use of the api that he banned from the forums, or yesterdays tutorial on the security systems.

This blog was written as a reaction  to his continually posting hate pages about me on the web. I ignored them for years, but in the end was persuaded to to publish the truth here. There is nothing in this blog that Phil disputes. All posts are sent to him first to allow him the opportunity to review and dispute anything. He can freely comment (though I am not allowed to comment on the lies he says about me) anywhere in this blog. I back up all my allegations with facts, and links to those facts. Unlike Phil.

I feel sad for Phil, after all we were friends for a while. The life of a liar is not easy, continually looking over your shoulder to see if you are being found out. Look at the lengths the poor guy has to go censoring me, to try and ensure nobody finds him out. No Phil, I don't hate you, if you brings out any emotion it is just pity. It really saddens me that you have fallen to such a low level that you should resort to such lies in pursuit of your rather pathetic personal vendetta against me.

Phil and I have both worked hard at webERP over the years, and you can see the amount we have both done by following the link he recommends here:

Thursday, 2 May 2013

KwaMoja/webERP security

This question came up recently on the webERP forum:

I'm new to webERP and naturally have some questions. I've created a role called "Inventory" in Access Permission Maintenance, then a user for this role and limited access to just "Display Inventory" module in User Maintenance. But I'd like to further limit access so my inventory user can NOT see pages in this range:

• Inventory Valuation Report
• List Negative Stocks
• Stock Transfer Note[/align]

The webERP Manual is vague on this. Is there a doc I can read to find out can I restrict a user, for example, to just Inventory.Maintenance.View or Update Prices Based On Costs?

Unfortunately the advice the poster was given was complex and not really correct, and the administrator of the forum has blocked me from helping people there. However, there is a much simpler answer which doesn't involve setting up phantom security tokens, and other complexities. This is to go to each of the reports they want removed in the "Page Security Settings" option in the setup module, and from there just give it a security token of a higher level than the inventory user. For instance set it to "General Ledger Reports/Inquiries" which makes more sense for something like an Inventory Valuation report. Then the report will be gone from the users screen the next time they log in. It's as simple as that!

However that led me to thinking that a lot of people (including it seems the current webERP project developer) who don't really understand the security system within KwaMoja/webERP so I thought it might be good to explain how it works.

Every user has a security role. These roles are meant to mirror their real life roles. So for instance we may have a role of an inventory clerk, and a role of an accountant. There can be any number of inventory clerks, and any number of accountants, all having the same role. As many roles as are wanted can be created.

Each role is given a number of security tokens. Each of these tokens permits the user with that role to perform different functions. There are a number of predefined tokens:

0 Main Index Page

1 Order Entry/Inquiries customer access only

2 Basic Reports and Inquiries with selection options

3 Credit notes and AR management

4 Purchasing data/PO Entry/Reorder Levels

5 Accounts Payable

6 Petty Cash

7 Bank Reconciliations

8 General ledger reports/inquiries

9 Supplier centre - Supplier access only

10 General Ledger Maintenance, stock valuation & Configuration

11 Inventory Management and Pricing

User Management and System Administration

When a user tries to access a function, the security token for that functionality is looked up in a database table called scripts and it is then compared with the array of security tokens that is owned by the role allotted to that user. If the token is in that array, the functionality can be accessed, if not, then access is denied.

This lookup is also performed when displaying the menus, and if the security token is not there, the menu option will not be displayed.

This system is simple elegant and flexible. It can be made as simple or as complex as an organisation requires. For instance a one person business only needs one security token, and one role, whereas a large business with hundreds of employees will have a very complex structure.

I hope this helps provide some insight into how the system works.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Phil Daintree's shameless lies - Part 6

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree  has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Well it seems our hopes for a resolution to this were premature. No sooner have the lawyers of one hosting company forced Phil Daintree to remove his lies about me, he moves to another. The lawyers of that hosting company force him out and he moves to another. With the help of those lawyers we are seeking a world wide blacklisting for him to stop him owning any domains, and remove any he currently owns from his control.

Funny that he will never discuss these points. He has the chance on here - I have publicly committed to non interference with his comments, and will happily submit to third party checking of that claim. He doesn't allow me the right to comment on his page though. I am sure readers will form their own opinions about why he is so scared to resolve these issues by discussion.

Most of his page consists of a post I have allegedly made. I have searched via Bing, Google, and Yahoo, and have failed to find this post anywhere, except on pages posted by Phil Daintree. Funny this.... I am sure readers will form their own opinions about why he is so afraid to resolve these issues by normal discussion.

Lastly on the subject in my previous post on the subject of copyright. Phil Daintree for some reason thinks that it is important that under his instructions when I had just joined the project that I had put the copyright notice on to webERP. I then took legal advice discovered it was wrong and after consultation with Phil Daintree I removed the earlier bug I had done. Can someone tell me why this supports his case to own the copyright of my work?

The bible tells us:
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Phil would do well to remember this teaching

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Now can we all move on?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil Daintree has now been forced to take down his "untrue, offensive, slanderous, harassing" web page about me. Let us hope that he can now move on with what he is good at, that is developing webERP code. This can only be good for his state of mind.

I agree with Mu, that as an act of atonement for all the lies and misinformation he has spread about me and others, the decent thing to do would be to redirect traffic from to the project site at

To take another projects web site in pursuit of a nasty personal vendetta, offends all the notions of etiquette in open source. Open source is about all working together.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Phil Daintree's shameless lies - Part 5

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

Phil's claim to own the copyright of all the webERP code.

The Berne convention asserts that the copyright is owned by the author of a work unless they have explicitly handed over that ownership to a second party. It further states that no copyright message is needed to assert this right, and that proof of authorship is sufficient. Some free software projects (most notably the GNU project) ask that the copyright on all contributions be physically signed over to them. This has never been done with webERP and given that as he himself has said he has fallen out with most contributors it is unlikely that he would retrospectively given this permission.

In September 2012 Phil Daintree unilaterally took the decision to alter the footer on webERP to state that the copyright to all the code was owned by, a domain name owned by himself. This was, in the words of Fred Schuettler (a contributor to webERP) an adolescent attempt by Phil Daintree to goad me into an argument on the subject.

However it is important to those of us who have contribute significantly to webERP (my contribution can be found by following the link Phil Daintree suggests in this email). Phil has suggested in the past that he wished to change the license to the Apache license, which would mean that anybody could take my code and turn it into a commercial closed source application. I am certainly not alone in the world of Free software by being opposed to my code being licensed in this way as a simple Google search will show you. Phil Daintree says he will swear in court to the fact that "Tim is violently opposed to this for his own reasons". This implies that:

1 - I have been violent on the subject. Even in writing I have merely stated that I don't like permissive licenses. Can Phil Daintree produce any example of violence, or would this be perjury if he swore to it in court?
2 - That my reasons are somehow devious. Is he stating that the libreoffice developers antipathy to the apache license devious?

When I queried why Phil Daintree had decided to make this change without speaking to any of the other contributors, he initially claimed that he was not the owner of and that was owned and controlled by all the contributors. However while trying to get the launchpad site set up by Zhiguo Yuan removed he asserts that "I am the owner of the weberp domain.". Also a simple whois search shows that Phil Daintree is the owner of If the contributors have any control of then how come Phil Daintree has asserted that only content that he agrees with will be included? How come only he gets to decide who can help people on the forum? Come on Phil get real!

I then pointed out that did not exist as a legal entity and so could not own the copyright. Phil countered here by saying that " did exist as a legal entity by vitue of the statement ol intent". However his recent statement on this issue says "To even suggest that a domain name could actually own anything is foolishness in any event". Who is the fool Phil? It appears that he has done a 180 degree turn on this and still ended up pointing the same way!!

In English law there is a concept (and most countries have a similar concept in their law) called the man on the Clapham omnibus. This basically asks what the ordinary reasonable person approaching an issue would think. I assert that any reasonable person on viewing webERP would believe that the copyright is owned by, and on looking up that domain name would believe it was owned by Phil Daintree, and thus the copyright was owned by Phil Daintree.

Phil Daintree now asserts that when he is saying that owns the copyright then "any idiot" would see that he meant that the copyright was owned by the contributors. Obviously I am not an idiot then!! If this is what Phil Daintree means then why the subterfuge? Why not just say that? All I have ever asked him to do is to clarify his motives for making that change at that point in time.

Phil Daintree likes to pretend that the only person who is upset by his claims to own the copyright of all the code. Not so. This has been an going issue with other developers since that start of the project.

So I say, "Come on Phil tell us the reason you made this change".

+Phil Daintree
that he creates a COPYRIGHT.txt file in webERP he clearly lays out that the copyright of the contributions belongs to the author of those contributions, which if he wants he can then link to from the footer of every page. +Phil Daintree refuses to even consider this. People can decide for themselves why he will not make a clear and unequivocal statement like this>