Sunday, 7 April 2013

Who does he think he is punishing?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

+Phil Daintree  has announced that punishment for exposing his lies in this blog he has withdrawn my svn access and he will no longer accept code from me and he says that as further punishment my forum account is terminated to try to force me to stop helping people on the forums...
So I can no longer spend my time helping users on the forums and users can no longer use my code.
Who is this punishing Phil?
There is already a bug reported here that I have fixed and sent to Phil but +Phil Daintree  is refusing to apply this fix, so users of webERP have to put up with this bug.
As has happened frequently throughout history, it's not the lies that have been Phil Daintree's undoing, but the the attempts at covering them up.

Programming the KwaMoja API - Error codes

In the last couple of parts of this tutorial which can be found here

API Client Part 1 and API Client Part 2

we produced a simple client application where a user selected a location, typed in a part code and the application fetched the info about how much stock was available from that location from our KwaMoja implementation.

This code can be fetched from here:

However we did not touch on what would happen if something goes wrong. Load up the application, and you should see a screen similar to this one:

Now load index.php into our editor and change the password on line 38 from 'kwamoja' to 'wrong'. Now if we reload index.php we get this screen.

As you can see it cannot fetch any locations as the authentication does not work on this kwamoja instance. However it provides us with no information about why this has happened. If you recall from the tutorials regarding the writing of the client, the XML-RPC call returns an array containing two elements, the first - $Response[0] in our client - contains an integer code, and the second the result of the inquiry, if one is expected. If the integer code is zero, this indicates success. Any other code indicates an error. These error code can be found listed here.  As you can see error code 1 indicates 'NoAuthorisation' which will be the error returned if the user name or password is incorrect.

To catch the errors we create a session variable (not the best way I know, but convenient for this tutorial) to hold any error messages that happen, so that we can show the to the user. So the initialisation code at the top of index.php becomes:

    include 'xmlrpc/lib/';
    include 'xmlrpc/lib/';
    $_SESSION['Errors'] = array();

and then at the bottom of the output we have a loop to output these errors:

foreach ($_SESSION['Errors'] as $Error) {
    echo $Error;

Now we just need to capture that error. We need to put this code at the bottom of the GetLocations() function so that it now reads:

if ($ReturnValue[0] == 0) {
    return $ReturnValue[1];
} elseif ($ReturnValue[0] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['Errors'][] = 'Incorrect login/password credentials used';

Now run the index.php script again in your browser and you should get out put similar to this:

We just need to put this code at the bottom of our other functions, and then they will all be able to catch this error.

Now if we put the proper password back in index.php should work as before.

Now try entering a stock code that you know doesn't exist and see what happens. I entered a part code called 'wrong' and this is what I see.

This is not very helpful output so we need catch this error. A quick look here shows that error code 1047 is 'StockCodeDoesntExist' and this should be returned if the code we entered is wrong. So we need to capture error 1047 in the GetStockQuantity() function. The code at the end of this function now becomes:

} elseif ($ReturnValue[0] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['Errors'][] = 'Incorrect login/password credentials used';
} elseif ($ReturnValue[0] == 1047) {
    $_SESSION['Errors'][] = 'The stock code you entered does not exist';

So now the function is checking that the user/password is correct and also checking that the stock code is correct and providing useful feedback in the case of any problems. We could go on and check for other errors but this should be enough for now.

I have uploaded the new tutorial files to here.

Next time I will have a look at debugging the application when an error we haven't caught occurs.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

An open letter to Phil Daintree of webERP

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

As with anything I publish, anybody (except the viagara  salesmen) can comment on my blog. I make a public commitment that I will not attempt to forge or censor any posts, as goes on in all the communication channels on webERP. If +Phil Daintree wishes to dispute anything in this blog he is free to do so. If I am wrong I will alter my post. I trust in the common sense and intelligence of people to read the facts and to make up their own minds.

Phil Daintree was forced into issuing a public apology for his lies regarding me on the webERP developers list. I tried to post a reply to the mailing list but as always happens to my posts it was immediately rejected. I believe it makes some valid points so I publish it in full here:

Thanks for the apology, which I accept in the spirit that it was sent.

I do think you are wrong on one matter though. You say "It is a sad
reflection of the state of our relationship that I automatically assume the worst". I would rather say that "It is a sad reflection on
your perception of the state of our relationship that you
automatically assume the worst". You see every action of mine (and
anyone who has disagreed with something you have said) through a prism
of hatred that means you only want to assume that the action was in
some way aimed to get at you. It is not. There is no conspiracy to get
at you. No conspiracy to make your life hard. In all the cases where
you have read this into someone's actions there is a much simpler
explanation than that, as was the case here.

All I want is to be able to develop software in a community where
anything can be discussed without fear of threats or abuse if I say
something you don't agree with. I just want to develop software in a
community where the ownership rights of contributors are honoured. I
want to develop software in a community where all contributors are
treated with respect, not where they will be publicly belittled for
weeks when you don't like their contributions. A community where if
their contributions need improving, then they are politely helped to
improve so that they can get better.

You seem to have made it clear that this is not the sort of community
you want, and there is nothing I can do about that. You control all
the means of communication in the community and you have shown that
you are determined to use that control to eliminate any dissent. That
is why I also contribute to other projects, where the community is
more like the one I talked about above.

When I feel that the work is not going to be controversial I also
include it in webERP, and all other work is immediately available for
you to decide for yourself.

You have said before that your banning me means you no longer have to
defend your decisions. I think this is wrong. I think as the leader of
the community you have an obligation to defend your decisions if
members of the community ask for reasons.

In conclusion Phil, there are no plots or counter plots. There never
were. The state of our relationship is only within you, and you are
the only one who can break that cycle.


Monday, 1 April 2013

Phil Daintree's shameless lies - Part 4

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree  is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

As with anything I publish, anybody (except the viagara  salesmen) can comment on my blog. I make a public commitment that I will not attempt to forge or censor any posts, as goes on in all the communication channels on webERP. If Phil Daintree wishes to dispute anything in this blog he is free to do so. If I am wrong I will alter my post. I trust in the common sense and intelligence of people to read the facts and to make up their own minds.

Lie number 6 - Phil Daintree's outrageous libel against Kalmer Piiskop and myself

I didn't intend  to write another of these so quickly after the last one, but I am very annoyed on behalf of Kalmer and myself. At 12.56 pm BST on the 31/3/2013 Kalmer sent a bug fix into the webERP developers mailing list. As it was a serious problem I immediately applied the fix, and updated the webERP subversion repository.

At 22.06pm on the same day Phil Daintree then wrote a nasty and abusive email to the same list accusing Kalmer and I of trying to undermine the project by deliberately making Phil Daintree's life more difficult. He threatened me with the removal of my commit access. The basis of his accusations seemed to be that the commit produced a large diff (actually only 166 lines that takes a few seconds to scan if you view the code side by side as is possible with sourceforge). I sent the reply below to the mailing list but Phil Daintree has rejected it:


This email is deeply offensive both to Kalmer and myself. You sent
this email accusing us of playing silly tricks and trying to make your
life difficult, whilst all that had happened was Kalmer sent a patch
to improve webERP and I committed it.

The email was sent at 22.06 BST on 31/3/13. Then at 22.17 BST on
31/3/13 you applied Kalmer's patch yourself and got precisely the same
diff back that I had got.

Both Kalmer and I are way too busy for the sort of silly games you
play. If you spent your time developing instead of trying to come up
with ever more bizarre ways to stop me helping people on the forums
webERP would be the gainer.

Where is your apology to us? Have you really sunk this low that you
should make allegations like this on a public mailing list?

Any forks I contribute to, (and for that matter the one you help
sponsor) are not in competition with us at webERP. They share code
freely. We are all after the same thing. There is no hiding code till
after the release has been done. We can (and do) take their code and
include it when we want. Please either start behaving respectfully to
the contributors to webERP or leave the project.


As I have stated in previous blog posts I am perfectly happy to debate any issue with Phil Daintree, with no forgeries or censorship. It seems he is not so honourable as he makes these libels against webERP contributors, and then refuses that person the opportunity to respond. This is a truly despicable way to behave.

I have never, and will never do anything to harm the project. I have spent many thousands of hours working on webERP and many thousands of pounds promoting it. I find it cowardly and despicable for Phil Daintree to use his absolute control of all the project resources to spread his lies about me like this. It is about time he moved on.

Here is a screenshot of my editor showing Phil Daintree's windows line endings on his file.

Please note that Phil has now apologised for this lie. The full text of his apology is as follows:

Sorry Tim, I apologise unreservedly - I can see this is not a silly trick to make life deliberately more difficult for me. It is a sad reflection of the state of our relationship that I automatically assume the worst. I should check my facts in future.




Saturday, 30 March 2013

Phil Daintree's shameless lies - Part 3

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

As with anything I publish, anybody (except the viagara  salesmen) can comment on my blog. I make a public commitment that I will not attempt to forge or censor any posts, as goes on in all the communication channels on webERP. If Phil Daintree wishes to dispute anything in this blog he is free to do so. If I am wrong I will alter my post. I trust in the common sense and intelligence of people to read the facts and to make up their own minds.

Lie number 5 - Phil Daintree makes untrue statements about me on the mailing list, and refuses me the right to reply

This is more than one lie, but to save space (there are so many lies to get through) I will combine them all into one. Here are a selected few of his untrue statements:

  1. Phil Daintree said here that "I understand Tim is ranting to everyone he can off list now". This was totally untrue. The only emails I had sent to people off list were helping them with webERP queries that they had put on the list, and that Phil Daintree had rejected my replies to them on the list. I challenge Phil Daintree to find one person who had received a "rant" from me. Why does this upset me? Because Phil Daintree has sent this to a publicly archived mailing list. He refuses me the right to reply to that list to challenge this assertion. This gives credibility to his lie.
  2. Phil Daintree said in a post to the mailing list here that I was "..hell bent on destroying the project..". This because I had removed the trailing white space that he had put onto the end of the lines. The interesting thing here is that Phil Daintree reversed my patch, and then immediately applied it as his own work, and then in some of his recent web pages about me has even included it to prove that he has written "most of the code in webERP". If that patch shows I am "hell bent on destroying the project" then obviously so is he!! Again I was not given the right of reply. Why does this upset me? Because Phil Daintree has sent this to a publicly archived mailing list. He refuses me the right to reply to that list to challenge this assertion. This gives credibility to his lie.
  3. Phil Daintree says in a post here that "... I get these silly emails almost daily!..". On that particular day I had just returned from nearly three weeks away trying out the new golf clubs! I hadn't even taken a laptop with me! I couldn't have been sending him any emails let alone silly ones. I do occasionally write to Phil Daintree when he has posted a lie about me, and if I send an email to anyone that mentions Phil Daintree I do copy him on it, so that he can be sure there is no rant, and so that he has the opportunity to reply! Can Phil Daintree say that he copies me on emails that refer to me? Has anyone received an email about me from him that mentions me that doesn't include me in the address? I know that many have as they have forwarded them to me. Why does this upset me? Because Phil Daintree has sent this to a publicly archived mailing list. He refuses me the right to reply to that list to challenge this assertion. This gives credibility to his lie.
On the subject of right to reply Phil Daintree can make any comments on this blog that he wants, and I publicly promise that I wont interfere with them in any way. I am more than happy to debate any issue with him, and to let others decide on the basis of the facts. Unlike him I see no need for forgery or censorship to push my point of view, I am happy for the facts to be debated and for others to decide.

As this post is basically three lies rolled into one, and its longer than I intended I will leave it there for this time.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Can open source be developed behind closed doors?

This page is written in response to the lies that +Phil Daintree has written about me, and spread on the internet. Despite years of searching he has been unable to find anything I have written that is untrue, and he has had to resort to vague generalities, faked emails, and badly fabricated screenshots (you can see the joins if you zoom in using any bit mapped image editor). +Phil Daintree is welcome to make any comments to these pages, as he has done in the past. If I agree with what he says I will amend my writings, if I do not agree I have allowed his comments to stand next to mine so that people can make their own judgements. I have every confidence in the intelligence of readers to make a sensible judgement based on the facts. +Phil Daintree will not allow me the right of reply to any of the lies he has told about me. It seems to me significant that he realises that if people see both sides of the argument they will see through his lies.

As with anything I publish, anybody (except the viagara  salesmen) can comment on my blog. I make a public commitment that I will not attempt to forge or censor any posts, as goes on in all the communication channels on webERP. If Phil Daintree wishes to dispute anything in this blog he is free to do so. If I am wrong I will alter my post. I trust in the common sense and intelligence of people to read the facts and to make up their own minds.

WebERP has started to move to a "behind closed doors" development model, whereby most of the code changes don't get pushed out to svn until after a release has been done. For instance the changes made for 4.10 weren't committed to svn until after 4.10 was released and then as one large patch ( The same has since been done for the 4.10.1 release. So the question is, can this development methodology work in the long term?

Not committing code changes until after a release has been done, was a tactic that Oracle employed with mysql as an attempt to stop any forks (such as mariadb) from using their code until after they had released it (, and to make taking those commits harder. It seems the intention was to give Oracle a commercial advantage. Presumably this is also the intention behind Logic Works using this technique for their webERP commits. However eventually Oracle was forced to drop this tactic.

I feel that in the end one of the great advantages that open source development has is the concept of "peer review" where the code can be looked at and reviewed by everybody, thus finding and fixing  bugs before it is unleashed as a release for people to use in their businesses.

This was shown when the latest version of webERP was released with two scripts that wouldn't even run due to syntax errors in them, and the release had to be redone with the fixes in them, leading to the embarrassing result of there being two different file releases with the same name.

I think in the end Logic Works will like Oracle be forced to give up this behind closed doors development methodology.

Amendment 15/01/2014 - Phil has since said that he wasn't deliberately holding back committing his work, some of it was out for testing at customers and he didn't consider the rest of it sufficient to warrant a commit until after the release was made. Strange that when the work was committed it contained so many errors, but as I have said many times I want this blog to be a true and accurate record so I include Phil's comments so that all may judge.

Amendment 04/11/2014 - +Phil Daintree persists in denying this despite the evidence against him being so obvious. This is the initial commit Phil did on the 2/2/2013 for the release of 4.10.1 as is shown by the update to the Change.log file "+2/2/13 Version 4.10.1 Released". There then follows 5 commits of bug fixes. Here is a huge commit he did on the 22/2/2013 containing a lot of files that were initially in the 4.10.1 release but not updated to subversion. As can be seen Phil now updates the release date of 4.10.1 to the 22/2/2013, nearly 3 weeks after the first release. Phil has said "these files had been tested for some time on a customers server". However  here and here are examples of corrections I made immediately after this huge commit to scripts that wouldn't even run as they contain PHP syntax errors. Not only had they not been tested on a customers server they hadn't even been tested by Phil. Then here we have yet another release of 4.10.1 dated 25/2/2013 23 days after the first release of 4.10.1.
How Phil can persist with his lies in the face of such obvious evidence is a mystery only he can explain.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Programming the KwaMoja API - A simple client part 2

This is the second part of the tutorial on building a PHP client to extract data from KwaMoja via the API. If you missed the first, read this first. In the last part we created a client that queried the KwaMoja installation and extracted a list of stock locations, we then used to populate a drop down list in our HTML page. What we then wanted to do, was to extract the full name of the location, rather than just showing the code.

To do this we need a function much like the one we used to extract the array of location codes. Here is the full code:

    function LocationName($LocationCode) {

        //Encode the data items
        $UserID = php_xmlrpc_encode("admin");
        $Password = php_xmlrpc_encode("kwamoja");
        $Code = php_xmlrpc_encode($LocationCode);

        //Create a client object to use for xmlrpc call and set its debug level to zero
        $Client = new xmlrpc_client("http://localhost/KwaMoja/api/api_xml-rpc.php");

        //Create a message object, containing the parameters and the function name
        $Message = new xmlrpcmsg('kwamoja.xmlrpc_GetLocationDetails', array($Code, $UserID, $Password));

        //Use the client object to send the message object to the server, returning the response
        $Response = $Client->send($Message);

        //Decode the response and return the array
        $ReturnValue = php_xmlrpc_decode($Response->value());
        if ($ReturnValue[0] == 0) {
            return $ReturnValue[1]['locationname'];

The first section encodes the parameters as XML. The first two parameters are always the userid/password combination, and for this function call we need a third parameter, which is the code of the location that we require the name of. The second section is identical to the previous function and creates an instance of the XML-RPC client class. The third section then creates an instance of the message class, with the first parameter being the full name of the API function being called, in this case kwamoja.xmlrpc_GetLocationDetails, and then the second parameter is an array of the encoded parameters, (location code, userid, password). This message is then sent to the server, and the response decoded into an array called $ReturnValue.

As last time the first element of the array signifies whether the function was successful (a zero), or any other integer for an error code. The second element is an associative array of details for that location. The key of each element is the field name for that value. In our case we just want the location name, so we return the element ['locationname']. If it was the telephone number we were interested in we would just return the ['tel'] element.

Changing the line in the HTML where we fill the drop down box to:

echo '<option value="'.$LocationCode.'">'.LocationName($LocationCode).'</option>';

we can see that the web page in our browser now looks a little better.

The full name of the location appears in the drop down the list, but the value returned by the form is still just the code.

All that is left to complete our client, is to type a stock code in the text box, submit the form and return the amount of stock for that code at the chosen location. First we need to insert some PHP code in the HTML to handle the form being sent:

        if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
            echo 'The quantity of '.$_POST['StockID'].' at '.$_POST['location'] . ' is : ''.GetStockQuantity($_POST['StockID'], $_POST['location']);

As you can see this calls another PHP function - GetStockQuantity() - that retrieves the stock quantity for the required item at the required location. Looking at the API function reference in the manual the API function we require is kwamoja.xmlrpc_GetStockBalance. However this time there is a small addition we require as this function returns an array containing the stock balances at all the locations for the given stock item.

The full code for the PHP function is:

    function GetStockQuantity($StockID, $LocationCode) {
        //Encode the data items
        $UserID = php_xmlrpc_encode("admin");
        $Password = php_xmlrpc_encode("kwamoja");
        $StockCode = php_xmlrpc_encode($StockID);

        //Create a client object to use for xmlrpc call and set its debug level to zero
        $Client = new xmlrpc_client("http://localhost/KwaMoja/api/api_xml-rpc.php");
        //Create a message object, containing the parameters and the function name
        $Message = new xmlrpcmsg('kwamoja.xmlrpc_GetStockBalance', array($StockCode, $UserID, $Password));
        //Use the client object to send the message object to the server, returning the response
        $Response = $Client->send($Message);
        //Decode the response and return the array
        $ReturnValue = php_xmlrpc_decode($Response->value());
        if ($ReturnValue[0] == 0) {
            $Items = $ReturnValue[1];
            for ($i=0; $i<sizeOf($Items); $i++) {
                if ($Items[$i]['loccode']==$LocationCode) {
                    return $Items[$i]['quantity'];

I wont go through this in details as it is mostly the same as the previous functions. The key section is the last:

        $ReturnValue = php_xmlrpc_decode($Response->value());
        if ($ReturnValue[0] == 0) {
            $Items = $ReturnValue[1];
            for ($i=0; $i<sizeOf($Items); $i++) {
                if ($Items[$i]['loccode']==$LocationCode) {
                    return $Items[$i]['quantity'];

Here the RPC returns an array of locations with the stock quantities for each location, and we filter out the location we need.

Putting all this together we get the following when we run the script in our browser:

Looking at the stock status in KwaMoja we see:

Showing that we have returned the correct numbers.

I have uploaded the source for this tutorial to please feel free to download and try it out.

In the next part I will introduce some error checking into the code.